Dr Acupuncture is one of the Ireland's most popular and affordable acupuncture clinics with highly trained licensed professionals. Our mission is to provide a medically sound and cost-effective solution to your health conditions.
We focus exclusively on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) so our holistic health solution is personalized according to each individual's unique combination of symptoms and overall health. Then, a program is developed to treat the underlying root cause. We help you achieve health and balance through powerful and synergistic therapies that stimulate your body's natural ability to heal itself. We support you in making lifestyle changes that lead to the thriving, vibrant health and longevity you desire.
Opening Hours: Mon-Wed: 9:30AM - 6PM,Thu-Fri: 9:30AM - 7:30PM
Acupuncture focus on physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual problems including:
- Anxiety and depression
- Arthritis and rheumatism
- Asthma
- High blood pressure
- Menstrual cramps
- Skin problems
- Pain relief in childbirth
- Addiction - smoking, alcohol and drugs
Massage is a holistic therapy which simply means it makes you feel good all over. Some of the positive side-effects of an expertly applied professional massage include:
- Relieving body aches and pains
- Improving flexibility
- Repairing injured, tired or strained muscles
- Improving skin elasticity and youthfulness
- Promoting tissue re-generation
- Reducing the visibility of scars and stretch marks
- Improving circulation
- Building the immune system
- Relieving migraine and tension headaches
- Aiding improved sleep and digestion
- Decreasing depression, stress and anxiety
- Increasing energy, positivity and general sense of well being
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine can treat a wide variety of conditions either as a primary treatment or in conjunction with conventional medicine or other treatments and is especially useful in chronic illness. Conditions often seen by herbalists include:
- Allergies, hayfever, asthma
- Eczema, acne and other skin complaints
- Arthritis
- Anxiety, depression & stress related conditions
- Digestive and bowel conditions
- Cystitis and prostate enlargement
- Irregular periods, PMS, reproductive problems & menopausal symptoms
- Angina, high blood pressure, poor circulation & varicose veins
- Infections & immune deficiency
- Headaches, migraine & Insomnia
- Chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia